Thursday, August 21, 2008

Solar and Wind Power Systems at Home

Learn how to build your own Power supply HERE.

Two natural resources that could easily help you, save on your energy bill.

The Sun and Wind!

Well the truth is, if it is harnessed and managed correctly. It can actually eliminate your Electricity or lets say your Energy Bill.

Though these resources have been around forever, why is it that man has not opted to look at them as the first choice for producing energy or, more specifically, ELECTRICITY?

I don't have the answer to that question but I could fathom a guess it would will have something to do with $$$.

I don't intend to go deep into why our Energy Providers don't seriously look at Solar Power and Wind Power to provide us with affordable electricity. Well to be honest I would rather look at how you can... shall I put this, Make you energy rather than pay for it!

There. Now that I've said it, let me ask you a few questions;

But, before I start, grab a sheet of Paper and a Pen. Better still grab your Diary if you have one. Write your answers down for later use.

1. How much do you pay for your Electric and or Gas Bill every month?

2. How long have you been paying those Bills?

3. How much longer do you see your self paying those Bills?

4. Have you calculated (roughly)the amount of money you've paid so far for your
Power? Do it now quickly at say $100.00 per month.

5. What about a rough estimate of the total you'll pay for Life?
(calculate that at say $150 per month for 12 months for 50 years)

Now lets look at those answers shall we?

Here's what I've got:

1. Monthly Bill = $220.00
2. Paying for = 30 years
3. Will pay for = 20 years approx
4. Yes. $36,000.00. (Calculated on an average of $100.00per mnth for 30 years)
5. Life time payment total: $90,000.00
(50 years times 12 months times $150.00 ave per month)

That's a heck of a lot of money spent on energy don't you think?

If you want to eliminate your monthly Energy Bills within 30 to 60 days learn how you can make it and stop paying for it!

Make Your Electricity Here!


"If you can not do great things, Do small things in a Great Way"

Act now to change things to better your life and that of your loved ones.

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